How big is your money mindset?

How big is your money mindset?

A few months ago, I had the pleasure of spending three days in California brainstorming new business ideas.  I was with a small group that included several millionaires and a billionaire.

What intrigued me was how kind, funny and generous they were. Hanging out with them blasted the old idea I had about rich people being “snooty”.

Even though I felt waaay out of their league, I rustled up some courage to ask each one of them:

“What’s the Number 1 thing that’s helped you have financial success?”

I thought they’d say something about years of hard work. Making smart investments. Knowing the right people.

What they DID say surprised me:

1.  Everything I do and every transaction I do is increasing the flow of abundance for everyone. You are doing a service to someone when you give them an opportunity to flow money to you.   Derek Rydall – The Law of Emergence

2.     2. I trust my intuition. I Trust that the Universe is providing what I need. I focus on service and love. Michael Stratford

M    3. My mind expands about money as I think about bigger amounts of money. I start accepting and receiving in bigger numbers. When I  take a leap of faith, the Universe conspires to help. Christian Mickelsen 

Are you aware of any limiting beliefs about money?

Do you believe that how you think and feel about money is just as important as how you earn it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave a comment below.